November, 2022 | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 7

Monthly Archives: November 2022

Dating Women Radio Show Friday Freebie: 11/18/2022

What did we produce for you FREE the week of  11/13/2022?  Let's check it out!

Don't forget these FREE things are great but you need THE SYSTEM/DATING DICTIONARY and you CAN NOW GET IT FOR 10% OFF since you follow us on social media!

VIDEO (Latest release, 11/13/2022)
*Dating advice for new relationships...GET THE VIDEO HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET

NOTE:  Next video release is 12/4/2022 and the subject is what do you do after you get her number

AUDIO (Latest release, 11/13/2022)
*A few pieces of audio for you here - Dress for success in dating + She LOVES Doc's materials

ARTICLE (Latest release, 11/17/2022)
He lost his head and panic set in when he was leaving for a trip so he RUSHED and called her the next day after getting her number - don't let this happen to you - there are no good things that happen when you call her the next day...GET THE ARTICLE HERE

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