12 Dating Women Advice: Does Jake Gyllenhaal Stay Away From Twenty-Somethings?
THE SYSTEM says you need to pay attention to age gaps. While he's having fun with 20-somethings chasing him at age 43 he is setting himself up for failure.
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Hey Doc,
I’ve got a problem and you’re the one to blame!
I discovered your work after a terrible breakup, like 90% of your students. When I found you, I found the truth. I became obsessed with “The System.” I’ve read your book more than 15 times, tested myself with Mastery, and I got to a point where I have listened to all your past shows not once, but twice and sometimes more. I’ve read all the archives. I read and listen to “The System” every day. I’ve been testing your material on the street, and I have to say that your principles are spot on. I’ve absorbed “The System” emotionally, to the point where when I listen to your radio show or read the letters from your students, I know what your response will be 95% of the time. I say 95% because I’m still learning. I have no idea how you were able to unveil the truth, but I can only say that you are the messenger and I’m really glad that I found your work.
Since I started using your principles, I’ve valued every chance I had to get dates. I only looked at the girl’s Interest Level and took every date as a learning experience. I’m blessed with good genetics and I’ve always taken care of myself. Besides that, I’m in a successful band. Even though I look much younger (still have all my hair, no gray hair, I’m fit, few wrinkles on my face), I’m 43 years young (by the way, when they ask my age, I use your line: “I’m 74,” and I always get points for that).
My problem is peculiar. Ninety percent of the dates I get are with girls in their twenties. Not only that, but we’re talking about 9s and 10s in the looks department. I know most men will laugh and say that this is a problem every man wants, but I know the long-term odds are not in my favor. Adding to the problem, the women in their thirties that I go out with have Scars and Baggage (bad experiences with men, divorces, kids, etc.), and others are desperate to have children.
I’m still searching and getting lots of coffee dates. From all the women that I’ve dated in the process, there are two “System” girls with high Interest Level (90%), no Red Flags yet, great Attitude, sweet, and very intelligent. But both are 25 and both are knockouts. I’m getting to the seventh date with each of them, and I see it’s heading to the point where they will each ask me to be the boyfriend soon.
Doc, they say there is no fool like an old fool. Should I dump these babes and try to find a woman nearer my age, or should I keep going out with these young girls and watch them like hawk?
Eugene - who’s having the best year of his life
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Hi Eugene,
What you have done is what ALL students should do. They should read my book at least 15 times, join the Doc Love Club, read and listen to the archives and they should test themselves with Mastery. Dude, you did everything right! And that’s why you’re getting 95% of my answers correct – and you’re a success with women and in life.
And it’s perfect that you’re using my line about being 74 years young. That’s what you’re supposed to do – go with the flow and defuse with HUMOR. Again, you’re doing everything right, my friend.
WHAT??? YOU didn't sign up for my free 7-day dating course yet? Did you not understand the word FREE?
All of that said, you really have to have someone older, Eugene. The girls that you’re getting involved with are simply...
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