10 Dating Single Women – Social Media Danger & Opportunity

I love the internet. I'm not going to bother giving you all my channels because you know them and also, all you have to do is Google me and you'll know Doc Love is ALL OVER THE PLACE ONLINE - but like anything there are positives and negatives - let's talk about social media and highlight a big pitfall and a big plus below.

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Pitfall of Social Media - Danger Ahead
Your whole life is on display whether you know it or not - whatever you decide to write about or post becomes a LIFELONG digital shadow that will always follow you around and once the future Ms. Right stumbles upon it, what will it say about you on its own? Remember, your random posts, photos, tweets, etc. have to explain themselves without the benefit of you adding any color to them because she'll likely Google you after date 2 and spend some time in her jammies getting to know you online.
Okay, maybe you're SQUEAKY CLEAN and your grandma's bingo posts are way more daring than anything you have concocted on your timeline - but still, it's INFORMATION on YOU and INFORMATION IS POWER.
She can get a bead on who you are, who your friends are, what you like to do, your quirks, etc - a whole plethora of information is out there about you, again, without you being able to be in front of her to add a backstory to it.
Maybe that beautiful blonde that tagged you with the picture of you hugging is your cousin but she looks at it and says: "Ugh, player."
You're giving her a window into your life when she's still a stranger and doesn't know you very well - and I much prefer she get to know me in person instead of scrolling through 1,000 online things I've posted.
I always tell you guys IT'S ALWAYS BETTER WHEN YOU CAN BE WITH HER IN THE REAL WORLD to get to know her.
Are you next?

Plus of Social Media - Too Many Selfies
I'm going to reverse myself a bit - and of course I don't want you to be too judgmental on stuff she has posted - because again, you should get to know her in the real world - but I will tell you that if you have a woman that has a ton of selfies and photos of herself then YOU SHOULD RUN (also, if she seems unbalanced in her posts then RUN as well - but that's something you already knew!)
The mentality of a girl that posts that volume of HERSELF online is all about ME, ME, ME, ME and I don't see how you are going to get past that to have a 50/50 relationship with her someday.
Also, do you want to be the star of her photo show someday? Talk about being out there! Someday when you two break up there will be 1,000 photos of you and her online for new women to check out - not good.
I prefer if the girl I'm going to take seriously is a little more reserved and private because that's how she'll treat our relationship. I don't need to be the star of her Instagram feed, that's for sure!

Social media is a phenomenon not going away but that doesn't mean you have to be controlled by it. There are many business reasons to use it (LinkedIn comes to mind off the top of my head) but no one says you have to put your whole life out there for display to the world - especially to the future Ms. Right.
Remember guys, social media is just a tool for staying connected to information, entertainment and your friends - nothing more, nothing less - be careful with it.
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