THE SYSTEM says that you should BELIEVE IT NOW when it comes to dating and what she has shown him is that he has no future with her - but he thinks there could still be a chance? No way!
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Dating Women Podcast #219:
Never use women - you won't get what you think out of it and hurt yourself by doing it
Hey Doc,
I used to go out with this girl, Megan. We spent three and a half months together, and during those three and a half months I broke up with her once due to her bitchiness, difficult attitude and also because she used to meet her ex-boyfriend and I couldn’t take it. She cheated on her boyfriend with me before we hooked up together, and then she finally left him for me.
I left her for the second time just recently. I know that she’s met up with her ex many times (he asked her) and that he’s kissed her. She said she didn’t want him to, and then turned around and said it’s her fault and that she’s sorry she let him. However, we are still very close, we love each other, and we also date on a regular basis. She says that whenever I kiss her it feels right.
I see Megan often since we go to the same school. We both talk to our friends about our relationship, and she’s told my best friend she doesn’t want a commitment and wishes to start fresh with someone else in the future. She’s told me this too, then turns around and tells me she doesn’t know what she really wants. She says she wants to be free but that she’s certain about one thing -- she never wants to lose me and she needs my hugs and kisses, and she has to see me and talk to me. She says she adores me and that I’m a treasure. She swears she’ll always be there for me.
Doc, I’m so confused. I didn’t leave Meg for no reason. Her bitchiness and flirting got to me. But when I see her act all sweet and loving, I start wondering whether I made the right decision. I don’t know if I want Megan back, but I can’t stand even thinking about her with someone else. If she wants freedom, why does she NEED things from me?
Please help me.
Andy - who’s never been so confused in his life
The gentleman below sent us this photo of his wedding day - a day he credits The System for - read his story here.

Hi Andy,
So, you couldn’t take the fact that your girl was getting together with her ex? Then why did you go back for more? As my cousin Doctor Freud once wrote, “The boy must be a glutton for punishment.” She left her ex for you? Like my cousin Fast Eddie Love says, “Hey, this girl sounds like the loyal type!”
Let’s face it, Andy, when Megan met up with her ex, the guy didn’t exactly have to put a bow and arrow to her head, did he? He gets to kiss her, doesn’t he? You mean she didn’t turn her head when he went for her lips? She didn’t push him away? She didn’t take at least one step backwards? Well, now it makes sense! Now I see how the guy got away with it!
What you should be asking yourself, Andy, is how much of the whole story of her extracurricular activities Megan is really giving you. If she’s telling you to your face that her ex is smooching her and that it’s her fault, can you imagine what’s really going on? Like my cousin Doctor Love says, “If she’s willing to cough up this much, you sure she’s not working you?”
When she kisses you and says that it feels so right, you should...
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