THE SYSTEM says that you cannot talk a woman into having INTEREST LEVEL for you and that includes having things in common with her - as our reader found out the hard way.
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Dating Women Podcast #139
139: When Dating Women It’s Easy To Get Into The Trap Of Comparison Which Can Limit Your Chances
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Hey Doc,
I met Scarlett at a party recently. We are in the same profession and are both passionate about what we do. (We’re journalists, by the way.) We got to talking, and it wasn’t at all awkward because we were the only two people in the group that were familiar with each other’s lingo, like scoops, tips, AP style, etc.
I got Scarlett’s number and asked her out, but she said she had to work on the weekend. We chatted a few times on the phone, but lately she’s kind of been fading, even though I would sometimes share with her a news tip or something like that.
Now she’s gone completely silent. I was romantically interested in Scarlett, but now I would prefer that we just be friends, because I love talking to her about my journalistic interests. Why she would want to throw that connection away is beyond me.
Doc, I had a similar situation happen another time with Brandy, who was into the same hobbies as me, sci-fi movies and gaming. When we first talked in person (we met at an event), it was like no other people in the room existed. We added each other on Facebook, but her responses faded too.
It’s great to have at least a friend to have something in common with. Why would these women, who I have so much in common with, want to shut me out completely? The way I see it, if we were friends it might grow into something more.
Sometimes I feel like coming right out and saying to these women, “Hey, I know you’re not interested in me, but can we at least be friends so we can talk about all that great stuff we have in common?”
Woody - who can’t figure them out

You showed me how I could raise my standards and what qualities I needed to find to make a lasting happy relationship. I had confidence down, but you taught me the importance of (self) CONTROL and CHALLENGE. Read more...
Blake, Austin, TX- happily married thanks to THE SYSTEM
Hi Woody,
To start with, instead of asking Scarlett out for the weekend, you should have asked her out for Sunday through Thursday. I know for sure that you don’t own “The System,” because you would have known that when you go after a woman, you never ask her out for the weekend, and Sunday is not included in that. The weekend is really Friday and Saturday. But you could have asked Scarlett out for Sunday through Thursday, which you would have learned if you had my book. But since you don’t, you asked her out for the wrong time.
But here’s the real problem. You are a guy who Scarlett is not romantically attracted to or interested in. Just because you happen to work in the same field, it does not mean that she wants to go out with you. It was nice that you had something in common, but you didn’t pass the Physical Attraction Test. Again, since you don’t have “The System” you don’t even know what that is.
Now let me explain something to you. Scarlett didn’t throw the connection of your journalism careers away. What she threw away was the possibility of you being her future boyfriend. Big difference! She doesn’t want to go out with you because she’s looking for a boyfriend and you’re not going to be that guy. So she’s not saying to herself that she wants to make you her friend because you’re both in the newspaper business. Get it?
Think you have what it takes to succeed by just reading these articles? You don't - these articles give you an insight into how I think but you need
my book
so if you really want to be successful with women you need THE SYSTEM. Still not convinced? Read my "YOU CHANGED MY LIFE" letters.
Let me explain something else to you. You say that with Brandy it was like no one else in the room existed – but that was only in YOUR mind. What was going on in HER mind? To you Psych majors, it’s good to have something...
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I also think he should have told the girl he was in “communications”. Some challenge he was shoving his career down her throat. She learned to much about him BEFORE he even got the number! Some secret agent huh Doc?
I think she would have been thrilled to learn, later on after she fell in love with him that he was a journalist. I think it would have raised interest level upwards quite a bit.
He also “chatted” on the phone. He doesn’t see how DANGEROUS phone conversations are. The phone is ONLY for getting the date. Poor fool.
I feel sorry for any guy without the System. Like the Doc says “you haven’t got a chance ” without it.
You’ll never have another hard headed, totally inflexable, low interest woman in your life ever again! But you have to read the WHOLE book. I have never been happier with women.
Thanks for the support of https://www.doclove.com/system – I appreciate it. Your comments are spot on!
You should also look at hobbies and activities you have in common
before you dive into romance. Things you love doing. sports, volunteer activities, any type of social outlet. Don’t limit yourself to professional organizations, etc. And take it slow and follow Doc’s advice.
Great advice Frank – thank you for weighing in