Dating Tips For Guys FREE Weekly Articles & Audio | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 488

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Dating Women Advice: Would Zac Efron Leave A Message Asking For A Date?

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She really did like him but when he didn't bother divulging his separation to her then she got nasty and it was totally justified on her part.

Read on...


Hey Doc,

Most of you’re the questions you get deal with relationships already started. I’m having difficulty with something that never got to that point.

I met Salma, a lovely creature from the Mideast. She’s divorced with two kids. She gave me her phone number, I called a week later and made a date, and it went well. Two days later she texted me, saying I was good company and that she enjoyed the evening. Should I have nailed down the second date right there?

I waited a week to call to set a date for a week later, but she was busy with a family religious celebration. She said “What about meeting mid-week?” I said I was attending a wine tasting, but that she was welcome and we could go to dinner afterwards. She asked about the time and said she would get back to me. (I know it was a “maybe date,” but it was an incoming counteroffer, so I went along.)

On Tuesday Salma texted me that she couldn’t make it. She said she would like to do something another time and I said sure. Should I have called her later and nailed a definite date down then?

The next week I phoned but Salma didn’t pick up. A few hours later she texted me saying she was dining with her son and was sorry to miss my call. I waited another week, called and asked about that weekend. I realize now that this was stupid. I did not wait long enough and give Salma space, as you teach. Anyway, she said she was going out with her girlfriend. I pressured her then to set a date, and she suggested I could come out with her and her friend. I declined and said I’d call some other time when she was less busy. I got off the phone quick. Again, I now think I should have stayed on the phone and set a date for the following week.

I didn’t contact Salma again for two weeks. When I called, she did not pick up. I left a message that I hoped she was well and that I was very busy with work. Doc, should a guy leave a message trying to nail down a specific date via phone or text? I always like to set a date on the phone by actually speaking to the person.

That was over two weeks ago. Salma has not called or texted me since. Should I call her again? Wait? Or cut bait?

Moe - who feels like he messed up


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Hi Moe,

No, you shouldn’t have nailed down a second date when Salma called you and told you that she enjoyed your first date. You should have just said “I had a fun time too, thank you very much,” then waited five to nine days before asking her out again. So you did the right thing, pal.

When Salma said that she would call you back to let you know if she could make it to the wine tasting and dinner, you should have withdrawn the offer. Whenever she has to call you back to verify a date, you must withdraw the offer of the date. That’s the rule. Because like my cousin Fast Eddie Love from East L.A. says, “When she has to call you back to verify, it never works out.”

Now let me set you straight on something. What Salma gave you was NOT a counteroffer. A counteroffer is something DEFINITE. What she gave you was nothing, my friend. But when she contacted you and said she would like to do something another time, that’s when you should have nailed down a definite second date.

When you called Salma back the next week, you weren’t pressuring her at all, Moe. You gave this woman plenty of space. And it was good that you declined going out with her and her friend. You don’t want to do any ...

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The Dating Women Radio Show is ON THE AIR WEDNESDAYS at 5:00 p.m. PT/ 8:00 p.m. ET - you can listen live at each week.

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