THE SYSTEM is not something he has purchased yet and that's his first mistake but there are other mistakes that we break down in this article as they relate to his pregnant AND smoking wife.
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Hey Doc,
Evonne and I are both longtime smokers. She is in her second trimester with our first baby. When she got pregnant, we both agreed that she needed to stop smoking and that I would do whatever I could to support her. So I quit too (with a few occasional slip-ups every few weeks) and have done everything possible to make it easier for her to stick with the program of quitting. Part of that support is letting her know that I understand how tough it is and that I won't judge her for slipping up once in a while, if she does.
I'm sure you can guess where this is going, Doc. I just found out that Evonne hasn’t just slipped up, she has basically been smoking between one and two packs a day (less than her normal rate but still a lot) throughout the entire pregnancy! I am not so much upset that she has continued smoking as I am that she has gone to such great lengths to keep it a secret from me. I feel like this makes an ugly statement about how much she trusts me and I can trust her.And, of course, I am worried about the impact on our baby. Now I feel like our entire marriage is at risk because of this one issue. It’s not a very reassuring feeling.
I have to be honest: I don’t have your book, and don’t know if your techniques would even be relevant to something like this, but I thought I would try you for some coaching.
Gibson- who doesn’t know what to do
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Hi Gibson,
You made a huge mistake here. You impregnated a woman who smokes. You should have A) been on birth control, and B) and you never should have dated Evonne in the first place.
Now what you have to do is go through your house and throw all of the cancer sticks away. Dude, you have a child on the way here! You and Evonne are messing with this unborn child’s health. Like my cousin Rabbi Love says, “That’s an unforgiveable sin.”
WHAT??? YOU didn't sign up for my free 7-day dating course yet? Did you not understand the word FREE?
The fact that Evonne has gone to great lengths to keep her smoking a secret from you is not an issue. Whenever people are hiding something, they’re not going to throw out all kinds of hints that they’re keeping a secret. So don’t get uptight about that part of it, man. But Evonne should have quit smoking a long time ago, and now she should be thinking about the health of her baby. At this late, dangerous point, you have to sit down with her and tell her that there will be ABSOLUTELY NO MORE SMOKING.
Again, this is not a matter of trust at all. Like my cousin Fast Eddie Love from East L.A. Says, “Hey, she’s got a bad habit.” This situation has more to do with the...
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